Wondering how many of us who own a 1st Gen Dodge D-50, or Plymouth Arrow, or Mitzi Mighty Max, live in the Portland Oregon area? Maybe we could plan some sort of get-together when the weather is nicer some afternoon? Or have our "own subgroup"?
Wondering how many of us who own a 1st Gen Dodge D-50, or Plymouth Arrow, or Mitzi Mighty Max, live in the Portland Oregon area? Maybe we could plan some sort of get-together when the weather is nicer some afternoon? Or have our "own subgroup"?
I'm here in Clackamas, I know Rickdees is somewhere in the neighborhood, but he hasn't been online here since just before Christmas. I'm hoping he's just hunkered down for the Winter.
I'm from Oregon does that count.
i'm moving to portland. but i have a second generation.
I'm over in Bend.. just got my first D-50/MM but it's a second gen. Curious if there's any members in central Oregon?
I drive to Bend every week, that count? In fact, I just got home from there this morning! If ya see a big white semi that says Sygma on it on a Wednesday, honk and wave.
Ever see that white 1st Gen 4x4 with a cap on it driving around there? See it all the time, keep tryin to find a way to stop him and say "hello". lol
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Hey Camo remeber im still active for at least for another 5 months, so until then. NAH NAH BOO BOO! anyway i still hold a oregon drivers lic., pay oregon taxes (don't know why) home port of record is oregon. So i guess that makes me a (Ore gone ian) right isn't that how people from cali say it.
Oregon; anywhere. It's a diverse state for sure. I'd expect to see more of our trucks, 4x4 flavor, on the East Side of the state ... more 4x4 country with all that BLM land. It's our favorite place to take Mitzi camping. Toss the mattress in the back under the canopy, take the camp stove setup and a couple of chairs. Drive way out into nowhere, camp on a hilltop, ... have bacon'n'eggs and fresh ground coffee in the morning ... mmmmmmmm!
So many stars at night with no lights anywhere around it's just breathtakingly beautiful ... and makes one feel reaaaalllllyyyyyy small ...
Born and raised around Hermiston. Problem with east side now is all the damn big corporate ranches closing off all the good 4 wheeling spots. suprised i can even get to my favorite hunting location outside Granite. Used to be way back, there was time you could drive from Heppner to Ukiah and never hit pavement. About the only BLM land left for open driving is out of Burns and it looks just like where im at now, unless you think the little Dodges can squick through those stupid post to enter the wilderness areas.
It's the government saving the planet from you triable 4x4 mountain killers. If you want to get there, you can park and walk the 50 miles and enjoy nature by taking a picture with your smart phone. Then "Like it" on your face book page, so all of your tree hugging friends can drink wine coolers at home and put up dumb ass comments, like you are truly one with nature and I respect you more...... Not me.. Lets see if we can make a mile long trail of choking dust before we hit that jump and land in puddle full of endangered frogs.....
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Mopar_Ja. Is that address you gave me an army base or what. Google shows a Gard shack. You are in the middle of no f-n anywhere.....
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Ok now, come on. Camoit I respect your position on this forum, and you have been very helpful for me and my truck. But the evidence shows (does it even need evidence? should be obvious, just no one likes having a finger pointed at THEM and their hobby), that reckless 4x4 driving is very harmful to the local ecosystem. I am from the Oregon coast and have seen one of the most beautiful parts of the state, the Oregon dunes, turned into a redneck playground!
Any time you go out there now, you are bound to find nothing but buzzing ATVs, drunk idiots littering and driving off trails, harassing anybody who isn't on a 4-wheeler of their own. It is really pretty pathetic, and when you try to confront any of them about it, they start spouting a bunch of anti-"liberal" crap about how THE ENVIRONMENTALISTS are ruining everything, taking all of their "rights" away. These people are scum and about 90% of them don't give a shit about anything but themselves. There are some who are considerate and want to leave a good image for their hobby and other riders, but those are few and far in between.
Now, over here in Central Oregon I've found out it's just as bad! There is a triangle of public land, between Bend, Redmond, and Sisters, and the highways going to each. The state/counties were letting people off road there unofficially, if they took care of the land and did not create new trails. A couple years went by, recently they went out and found it torn the fuck up, new trails everywhere, huge ruts had turned the small "jeep trails" into mud pits.
Oregon is a great state, but boy howdy, ignorance does prevail.
Oh and by the way I had a little Bronco II 4x4 before this, used to ride around in the dunes in my dad's Wrangler too. I am not opposed to off roading. I am opposed to perpetuating the kind of ignorance that destroys public land, makes people think they not accountable for their own actions, and in the end ruins the fun for all of us. Tread lightly is not a tough concept to adopt.
And again, nothing personal, but this is an issue I am very concerned with and couldn't let it go unsaid.
It's a shame it was ruined for those people who 4x4'ed into places with the "leave no damage" idea. We went all over the place on existing dirt roads without going into the pristine areas and had a great time! Always packed out our stuff; left nothing behind.
if your a smart cookie, you make friends with the blm and get a key to the gates, like i did. or you can come over to douglas county and there is nothing that limits you anywhere in the mountains... except for the logging companies, but you just go around their gates and have fun. did i mention getting a key from the blm to access closed areas.
Last edited by PowerRam348; 02-10-2012 at 10:29 AM.
PowerRam348 - Douglas county is nice. Never done any riding over there but I've hiked and fished and what not. I was born and raised in Coos County, your neighbor to the west. :D
no offense, but this sounds like hippy talk. i'm an environmental consultant and have dealt with everything from fuel spills, meth labs, and lots of other stuff. the only thing i see in the mountains is not 4-wheeling damage but people who use the wilderness as a landfill, to grow pot, or put up meth labs... don't confuse these things. a couple guys who go and squirl around in the mud do less damage to the environment than a herd of elk moving through an area or a logging company punching a new road. have you seen what elk can do to a wilderness area? as a hunter i have seen whole areas obliterated by elk from them scratching their horns, pawing at the ground for food, or eating everything in that area including the bark around the tree's which, by the way, kills the tree's.
I know it there used to be an Oregon law stating to the effect of something like here in Neveda. " If in the event the only way to gain acess to public land is through private land. The private landowner can fence his property and put a gate up, but the gate can not be lock. It has to remain unlock for the public to acces the public land." and theres the problem some of the public destroy the private land as they go through then landowner locks it and good luck triing to get the county sherrif or the state police to come out and unlock. And i can not wait for Dec 21 of this year hopefully it will wash all trash (Dumb bleeding heart liberial Dem progressives) of the coast and true Oregonians can get thier state back. Then i will stand in Sisters and do some ocean stripper fishing, crabbing, sealion hunting whatever tickles my fancy.
Camo-it, yes address is correct and no it is a Navy Base. if you look across the street from guard shack is base housing thats where i live. i know it's Navy base where's the freakin water. I tell you what spending 20 yrs in the Navy i have seen more desert than i care for between here Fallon, Vegas, Afghanistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, etc... you would think they would put me on a boat somewhere they did twice thats it. So i guess im a dirty sailor.
Yep it only takes a couple of cracker heads to get the government to start looking. Once they do, they screw it up for everyone. If they could only figure out we need some places that can be trashed over and over again and just say,, OK this is now the place you get drunk and shoot things... This is a place you can tear up with the ATVs and this is the place you can test your explosive devices, we would be happy and not go tear up a new place. But NO they just make new laws to confine you. Thats why they need to put me in charge. I could set it up so everyone could have a place. Give Frisco to the left whack nuts, give LA to the gangs and welfare receivers, Tahoe to the Sierra clubers, the Rubicon to the wheelers and the desert trails to the racers. Everyone is happy. We could even fence in a place in China to send the prisoners. They wont re-offend will they.
OH and the people in the Armed Forces. Just give them the the coolest toys to play and kill the bad guys with.
Last edited by camoit; 02-10-2012 at 04:56 PM.
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Simple isn't it.... Don't try to satisfy everyone on everything. Just everyone on something.
I also think that during the political season we should have a raffle for 25 political tags. Just like hunting areas. That would generate billions of dollars directly from the first group of people. The get drunk and shoot things group. And you would see all the un-liked politicians leave the country. If there is one you don't like enter the raffle and get a tag.
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I'm still alive and kicking, I do check in now and then only my plate has been full. I have not done shit to my truck, my home has priority.