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Thread: Facet electric fuel pump?

  1. #101

    Join Date

    Maurertown, Virginia

    1990 Dodge D-50

    Quote Originally Posted by royster View Post
    Much sympathy here, seen and experienced a bit of that myself.
    In any Divine Judgement, we will not be held in contempt for what we said, but for that which we refused to share.
    In my world, we help each other with the basics, first, before indulging in privelage.

    I understand this is off-topic, but I thank you for bringing this issue up: it is a conspicuous...but unspoken...frustration of this forum. (Other forums, too, from my experience).

  2. #102

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    Sacramento, CA

    1979 Dodge D-50

    Chevy V6
    Quote Originally Posted by originalowner View Post
    Go to the 2nd Gen electric pump install thread. It ended well.
    IMO that thread should be pinned but what do I know.
    Try to ask for help or give help and you get treated like an interloper.
    That's been my experience. Not in the clique I guess. Or more likely the owners of this site really don't care that much.
    I wanted to put up a thread about what I learned in jetting and adjusting the Weber carb but the reactions to what I have put up so far are so tepid I don't even want to bother. It's why I had to figure it out myself for the most part. Then you try to help others and the thread gets buried.
    I feel like I am talking to myself most times.
    Sorry for sounding so harsh but it's true.

    What thread should be pinned? I can't read every post. We rely on people letting us know if there is a good post that needs to be stuck. So if you find somthing you need to let one of us know.

    There is no "Owner" of the site. It's totally ran by volunteers. There is zero money to myself or anybody else. It all goes back to the board and keeping it on the net or coming up with things for the board.
    If you want to see a thread get buried try pirate 4x4. They have 987,714, Threads 14,349,586, Posts and 262,650 Members. Things change on there so fast it will boggle your mind. Here we have about 60 people that come through every day. Out of that we have about 10 that come through on a regular basis. From that we have about 4 that try to help out one way or the other. Everyone on here knows there own truck and what has happened to them in the past. All anybody does is try to tell people about what worked for them and what may be there problem.
    I can add sub forums like the archive had. It does make it just a bit easer to weed through and see where new posts are. We also at the top you will find a drop down menu that says My Posts. It will show you just that. Posts and threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by royster View Post
    Much sympathy here, seen and experienced a bit of that myself.
    Quote Originally Posted by royster View Post
    In my world, we help each other with the basics, first, before indulging in privelage.
    I understand this is off-topic, but I thank you for bringing this issue up: it is a conspicuous...but unspoken...frustration of this forum. (Other forums, too, from my experience).

    It's the nature of social media. The problem is how do you get people to engage in somthing. Read and help someone when more and more we see the "ME" attitude like FB. Look at me, I just drank a crap load of beer and blue chunks all over the side walk. See my picture, I'm famous in my own mind. Don't for get to fallow me on twitter, so you can fallow along every minute of my day. Like we give a crap what some 20 somthing is doing in Austin Texas all day long.
    Sorry for the rant. But we have a small niche group of people here. There aren't many of these trucks around. Many times you see them being run into the ground by the border brothers and they don't care about there truck or any forum. They would rather crash it into the back of someone and run off. You would be surprised how many people sign up for just one day to try and get what they need from the board and then never come back again or even make a post.
    Around here the donators are the ones that are more inclined to engage. They found out that they like helping and want to keep the board on the net. It's like a big funnel. People start out on the rim. Get sucked in and become a donator. Then life changes and they just fall out the bottom. Some times they come back, some times they don't. They sell the truck and then don't ever come back. You never know. It's always changing on here.
    Members come and members go, But the board keeps track of them.
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  3. #103

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    Maurertown, Virginia

    1990 Dodge D-50

    It's the nature of social media.
    It most assuredly is, camoit, and we have to accept things as they are, I guess. Being able to speak up once in a while is good for the mind.

    Sorry for the rant.
    No need to say yer sorry: "Being able to speak up once in a while is good for the mind." It also helps us keep balance.

    And everyone can move on.

  4. #104

    Join Date

    Wake Forest, NC

    1988 Mitsubishi Mighty Max

    Quote Originally Posted by camoit View Post
    What thread should be pinned? I can't read every post. We rely on people letting us know if there is a good post that needs to be stuck. So if you find somthing you need to let one of us know.

    There is no "Owner" of the site. It's totally ran by volunteers. There is zero money to myself or anybody else. It all goes back to the board and keeping it on the net or coming up with things for the board.
    If you want to see a thread get buried try pirate 4x4. They have 987,714, Threads 14,349,586, Posts and 262,650 Members. Things change on there so fast it will boggle your mind. Here we have about 60 people that come through every day. Out of that we have about 10 that come through on a regular basis. From that we have about 4 that try to help out one way or the other. Everyone on here knows there own truck and what has happened to them in the past. All anybody does is try to tell people about what worked for them and what may be there problem.
    I can add sub forums like the archive had. It does make it just a bit easer to weed through and see where new posts are. We also at the top you will find a drop down menu that says My Posts. It will show you just that. Posts and threads.

    It's the nature of social media. The problem is how do you get people to engage in somthing. Read and help someone when more and more we see the "ME" attitude like FB. Look at me, I just drank a crap load of beer and blue chunks all over the side walk. See my picture, I'm famous in my own mind. Don't for get to fallow me on twitter, so you can fallow along every minute of my day. Like we give a crap what some 20 somthing is doing in Austin Texas all day long.
    Sorry for the rant. But we have a small niche group of people here. There aren't many of these trucks around. Many times you see them being run into the ground by the border brothers and they don't care about there truck or any forum. They would rather crash it into the back of someone and run off. You would be surprised how many people sign up for just one day to try and get what they need from the board and then never come back again or even make a post.
    Around here the donators are the ones that are more inclined to engage. They found out that they like helping and want to keep the board on the net. It's like a big funnel. People start out on the rim. Get sucked in and become a donator. Then life changes and they just fall out the bottom. Some times they come back, some times they don't. They sell the truck and then don't ever come back. You never know. It's always changing on here.
    The 2nd Gen electric fuel pump install thread, the one I put up with photos of the install.

    Sorry for the rant, man.

    This truck is my only transportation and as you can tell I am over-the-top anal with it. It is the only vehicle I ever bought new. (And it wasn't brand new, it was a demo).

    Perhaps I get frustrated too easy with the low amount of traffic here or am too idealistic about human nature in general. I do not have a mechanic's background. I have a dealership service writer background- ASE certified service consultant with over 20 years as a writer for high line European, domestic and Asian makers. I won awards at most every place I worked which included an all expense paid 10 day trip to England from Jaguar when I worked for them as a writer. There is not much I haven't seen- my general automotive knowledge is extensive- much more than my mechanic's knowledge.

    I am on disability from the strokes, cannot work a job because of them so therefore I have plenty of time to volunteer to this site. Send me a PM if you think I can help.


  5. #105

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    Sacramento, CA

    1979 Dodge D-50

    Chevy V6
    I need a link to the thread.
    There are 225 of them and 2 with the word pump in it. One has the word oil the other I don't think is yours. Just drop a line in the shout box as that is the first place I look. From there I scan the side bar working my way down to the admin control panel. From there it's to the anti spam system to update IP addresses for the spammers that were able to register. And then it's off the stack of emails from people trying to ask questions by not being a member. They all get the same response. Dear BLA BLA. this is a question best asked on the web site. You can register fro free through this link. bla bla. Some I don't even bother answering because the question is just SOOO stupid. I have a truck it makes a ticking sound under the valve cover thing. Do you think I should adjust the valve? NO SELL THE TRUCK>>>

    Wow looking back I have been on the board since 2010. But I know there are others that have fallowed this board for longer. Pennyman has been on since 2009
    Members come and members go, But the board keeps track of them.
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  6. #106

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    Pittsburgh, PA

    1980 Dodge D-50

    and longer than that through the various versions preceding this one. It is tough to keep any forum going, especially one with dwindling vehicles that were not mainstream to start. But this is the way to keep the ones that people care about alive and making them better. If we don't capture these things now, they could be lost forever. Being one of the people on here with the longest ownership of a D-50 (bought Geronimo new in August 1980) I have lived with him all these years and learned a lot about the truck and myself. These trucks were ahead of their time, but they can be finicky, and have their quirks like anything else. I have owned many trucks in those years besides Geronimo, but he is the only one I have kept. I have nothing to hide when it comes to my knowledge on these trucks and I offer my advice whenever asked. He has lasted through my starting a business, moving all kinds of ridiculous things, outlasted my marriage, and is still with me today. You might say I am in this for the looooong haul - 33 years and counting.
    The best Dodge that Dodge never made
    Living the D-50 lifestyle since 1980

  7. #107

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    siouxcity iowa

    1987 Dodge Ram 50

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    Very well put, I wish i had the time and knowledge to help out.This site has helped me out a lot!1 I'm not on here all the time but when i do get on here I just hunt for what I am looking for and usually find my answers.The weber fuel pump regulator install has helped me a lot,different situations require different fixes,I have the weber 32/36 and cart 4070 and the holley regulator,and just bypassed the regulator,because there seemed to be un even pressures even when adjusting it all the time.Now for my truick it seems to run better now.It's a 87 2.6 4x4. Thanks everyone for all your imput!1

  8. #108

    Join Date

    Adelaide, South Australia

    1985 Mitsubishi L200

    ...maybe these posts should be redirected to roysters "interstates anonymous". Even though they are irrelevant to this thread title (facet electric fuel pump) they are noteworthy. The best asset a forum like this has is community. I guarantee when a guy runs into a problem or has a question there are 5 members going through everything from their own garage and resource material to digging up the gems from the junk on the great WWW. And the thing that has impressed be most about mightyram50 is not just what it has to offer, but also what it lacks - trolls. Haven't found a single one lurking under a bridge anywhere here. I joined another US based site while trying to resurrect my wife's Honda elite 50 and pulled out due to one particularly ugly troller that was nothing more than a cancer to what was otherwise a good site.

  9. #109

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    1988 Dodge Ram 50

    I am kinda late to this thread, I just picked up a 1988
    ram 50 with the 2,0. I found a company that rebuilt my stock carb with lifetime warrantee. I decided to go with the
    holly 1-4 psi electric fuel pump, My question is if I eliminate the mechanical fuel pump, how do i connect the furl return line to the tank, or do I just cap it off?

  10. #110

    Join Date

    Adelaide, South Australia

    1985 Mitsubishi L200

    Quote Originally Posted by FrancisD50 View Post
    I am kinda late to this thread, I just picked up a 1988
    ram 50 with the 2,0. I found a company that rebuilt my stock carb with lifetime warrantee. I decided to go with the
    holly 1-4 psi electric fuel pump, My question is if I eliminate the mechanical fuel pump, how do i connect the furl return line to the tank, or do I just cap it off?
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