My brother gave me a little red digital tachometer for my truck today since he wasnt using it anymore how would i wire it up, getting my truck running properly gets priority but I figured ill ask for once I do get it running right
My brother gave me a little red digital tachometer for my truck today since he wasnt using it anymore how would i wire it up, getting my truck running properly gets priority but I figured ill ask for once I do get it running right
red to + / black to - /green or trigger wire to - side of the coil. Then the clamp goes real tight around the head of your,,,,, Oops I'm sorry, I thought you were Mark ZuckerBitch, The guy that can't leave things well enough alone. With out screwing them up. AGAIN..... Burn FaceBook Burn!!!!
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well maybe i am mr zuckerbitch. I shall not confirm or deny anything
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