Hey y'all I've got a tricky situation that I need some help on before it kills me. I put a Weber 3236 on my 2.6 MMM 3 weeks ago when I couldn't pass the emissions test. It ran great until today. I was driving up a 3 mile steep hill in 2nd gear at about 3/4 throttle when it suddenly stuck. I pulled over and checked out the linkage and it was fine-returned to normal idle position and no sticking in the throttle cable. I managed to nurse it home by alternating coasting in gear with ignition off and power on in a higher gear. Removed the carb, took off top cover, everything looks clean, good and normal. Checked movement of all parts-accelerator pump, choke, and throttle with same result-working fine. I installed the carb and fired it up, idling about 3500 still. I covered the air horn with my hand and idle drops with less air, but I noticed gas atomizing in the secondary constantly. I have the stock fuel pump and no pressure regulator per the Weber rep's recommendation. Any ideas on what would cause this? Is my fuel pressure too high? Am I taking fuel off of the wrong outlet from the pump? I checked out the pump hoses when I did the initial install and am pretty sure I got the fuel return line done correctly. I can't understand why it would run flawlessly for 3 weeks and then suddenly go into zombie mode. I've have tried for 3 weeks to contact the weber help line about another issue with no success so I'm pretty sure that's a dead end. Can some one direct me to a solution please? thanks