Trying to get opinions on if i should put a lip from a volvo on my mighty max??? ill put a pic up just let me knw if it would look good?P3250202.jpgP3250197.jpgP3250202.jpgP3250197.jpg
Trying to get opinions on if i should put a lip from a volvo on my mighty max??? ill put a pic up just let me knw if it would look good?P3250202.jpgP3250197.jpgP3250202.jpgP3250197.jpg
Well you already saw what a volvo lip looks like in Aorolfo's thread, so its up to you, do you like it or not? Its your truck lol
try it out and see if you like it. Shouldnt be to hard to find in a junkyard and I dont imagine theyd charge much.