View Full Version : Geronimo's "touch up" work

09-23-2019, 05:46 PM
After almost 30 years and an unfortunate run in with heaved pavement, Geronimo had lost his front airdam, and suffered from some road scars. In April, I finally obtained a "new" airdam to replace the shattered one, and the paintwork has begun. Here is the airdam and front bumper in paint:234132341423415

09-23-2019, 05:50 PM
This is all done by the original painter, Trkdesigner. Many hours went into resurrecting the airdam, as it was a Hottops piece and was made poorly, as most of their fiberglass was. It was pretty beat up as well. More pics to come of the "touch up" work!

09-23-2019, 11:50 PM
Whoa. That is legit 'resto' work. So is this just the start of Geronimo's restoration and how far are you going?

09-30-2019, 10:46 AM
The airdam, bumper, and bumper ends, and the back of the passenger front fender and lower half of the passenger door. Also some chips on the back of the cab and around the right rear wheel well. More pics to come...

10-02-2019, 04:50 PM
Happy for you pennyman - your truck really "POPs" colorful :thumbup:

10-02-2019, 09:02 PM
only 14 colors - just a run of the mill paintjob...

10-04-2019, 01:18 PM
When a baker's dozen just isn't quite enough :grin:

only 14 colors - just a run of the mill paintjob...

10-09-2019, 06:12 PM
the paint colors and design was my buddy's idea - so was the sticker he gave me for under the hood - "NOTICE - Insanity has replaced reason in the design and construction of this vehicle"

10-09-2019, 11:43 PM
...funny how brilliance and insanity are so close to each other :)

10-20-2019, 07:13 PM
Almost done - pics of the work will be coming as soon as I can download them from the camera...

10-31-2019, 06:01 PM
236302363123632236332363423635236362363723638Have more pics as promised:

10-31-2019, 08:52 PM
Just... wow. Like opening an 80's mini truck magazine time capsule.

Uncle Spence
11-09-2019, 11:57 AM
Looks real sharp Pennyman. Did you go cruisin' for chickies to celebrate?

11-10-2019, 08:12 PM
Nah - just brought him home - cruise season has ended in Pittsburgh unfortunately...